Friday, February 3, 2012


Over Break.
I bought myself an iphone, which of course means all sorts of instagram photos.

feel free to follow me; andihoff

We played SOCCER.
Sifuentes vs Hoffmans.
We had to mix it up.
The Latins had a bit of an advantage.
Once Matt and Jamie have their ten boys [and one girl]
I call a rematch.

Ride. The. Ducks.
Was interesting.
I thought we were supposed to go on the water.
Apparently Holiday tours are only on land.

While riding the ducks I came to the sick realization that my family is turning into couples.
Mom and Dad.
Dan and Jess.
Matt and Jamie.
Kristin and Seth.
Lingle and Riri [or hunter or david]
which left
Seth and I.
Grandma and Aaron.
When did that happen?!

K Sizzler and I went to visit her BOYFRIEND in Moses Lake.
Ummm yes. She has a Boyfriend. AND she chose to drive 3 hours to visit him... just saying.
I must say he is pretty cool. and nice.
I approve.

New Years Eve.
Was a partayyy.
a Dance partay.

Christmas Day.
Yummy Breakfast and matching jammies.

Christmas Eve.
Babies love us.
Especially Jax.

Annual Talent Show, Nativity and jammie opening.

AwKw4rd. F4M!LY. PH0705.
I have the coolest family.
Try not to be jealous.

I went to SAM (seattle art museum) with Grandma, Lingle, Riri and Hunter.
It was painfully boring.
I took a nap in a dark corner on the top floor.
While leaning up against the the window I noticed a dead bird.
I started laughing hysterically (I got some real weird looks..)
We had a dead bird on our porch allllll of break that everyone refused to move.
So seeing a dead bird right on the ledge outside the window I chose to nap by;
seemed a little ironic.
I forced Lingle to come around with me to and take pictures.
We weren't being disrespectful, just trying to stay entertained.
The coat thing was made completely out of dog tags.
It was definitely my favorite.

Is a rockin' basketball player.
It was fun to be able to see him play.
I was one proud sister.
After the game we stopped by Jaxon's Birthday party.
Boy does Tassja know how to throw a party.

1 comment:

  1. Okay you seriously have the most fun family! I was dying laughing about the couples comment hahahahahahaha so funny! Sorry you thought the museum was would have had a hard time being in our family haha. Glad you found a way to make it fun (with the nap by the poor birdie...and of course the priceless pics). Thanks for updating your blog so I could see and read about all you funins. Love ya!
