Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mama Hoff is the BEST.

All Semester I was trying to figure out how I could make it home to Drea's wedding. 
She decided to get married the same weekend my summer semester ended.
I didn't think I'd be able to make it with finals so we never bought a flight.
But after talking with all my Professors I figured out I could finish by Tuesday night, 
so Mama Hoff got me a ticket to fly home for the Wedding :)

Beautiful drive from Wa to Ut.

is Beautiful.

Love my W3 gals and sissssies.

Love these crazy Hooligans.

 So glad I went to the Wa reception. 
I got to talk to Drea for a while after everyone left. 
So crazy.
I have a married friend. 

Sisters bathroom.
She's got issues.

So glad I got to see my best friends. 
Rachel Hashim. Kara Forsey. Candace Carlson.

My first. Lice Scare. 
I went to church the day I was supposed to fly back to Hi.
The little girl I was sitting next to had LICE.
So I had to run to the store. 
Buy some lice stuffffff. 
and get on a plane.  
it was busy.

1 comment:

  1. WAAAHH?!!!!!! You updated? No way! Fun to see these cute pictures!
