Wednesday, September 4, 2013

#holyindecisivesummer #imadeupmymind #ithink #maybe

Never in my life have I been so indecisive. This summer I was thrown a few options. And I was more than willing to take whatever one would get me out of Utah. And now here I am "choosing" to stayyy in PROVO?! Yeah. Mmmhmm. 

Plan número 1: stay in Utah 
Plan número 2: move to CT
Plan número 3: stay in UtArd
Plan número 4: MOVE TO HAWAII

Final Decision: stayyyy in Utahhh 

I was more than positive moving to CT was right. 
I was beyond excited and positive HAWAII was right. 
...and then. That gut feeling. It was just a little too strong to ignore. Both times. Normally I'm pretty good at ignoring it and doing whatever I want. 
Maybe I've gained a conscious since I've moved out here. Maybe I'm psychotic and losing my mind. Maybe I've been permanently PMSing. Probably. 
Whatever happened. P-town is apparently my home. I won't be applying to any other schools or accepting any job offers across the country. At least for now.
My life is a joke. But that's an update for anyone who's interested. 

Although - with my track record it could change tomorrow. 
Lets hope not. 


  1. woo hoo!!!! I'm excited that you'll be around when I come to town! And obviously Jamie and Sadie NEED you! I know these decisions are hard, but it sounds like you are letting Someone guide your life...which is very wise! xoxo

  2. Now you can visit Clark more! He is so happy, although right now he is crying in bed because he doesn't want to sleep... Which is totally unrelated to you. I tried to call and chat earlier, I hope you are not screening my calls. :-)
