Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 2

Woke up this morning with my lovely net covering me. Crap. It's now dark outside and I am realizing I still didn't figure out a way to hang it. I'll probably be using it as a blanket yet again. 
Anyways. I got up around six and showered. The water was cold and then to my surprise started to get warm. Who knew we'd even have hot running water in Haiti?! Not me! Hardly even a third world country... Kidding. I brushed my teeth with our bagged water, went to the bathroom, started my period. Cooool. Of course that would happen. Had it in Israel and got it in Haiti as well. Glad we taught the female reproductive system yesterday. A nice little review of what's happening in my body. 
We had breakfast prepared for us at 8. The way the organization is set up is so cool. Depending on how long you stay it costs anywhere from $2,400 - $3,600. That money goes directly to our cost of living and flights. We have a house with running water, clean water provided for us all the time, guards (who stay at the house throughout the entire day), translators (who come with us most everywhere we go), drivers (who pick us up from the airport), a lady who prepares, cooks and cleans up all three meals 6 days a week, a lady who does our laundry once a week, and money for transportation. I'm basically living in paradise here. The volunteers that are staying here the entire summer are not paid. Their costs are taken care of but they don't make any money. How incredible is that?! Ashley works all year with this organization, planning meetings, scheduling meetings, figuring out the money and living situations and she isn't paid at all. I am so impressed with each of the volunteers who have out so much time and effort into making curriculums and gave up their entire summer! 
Back to breakfast. We had mangos, cookies, pineapple, pastries, hard boiled eggs, toast and cheese (that was for you dad). That mangos here are incredible. They grow in trees just in our neighbors yard. 
After breakfast the health volunteers got together and taught a couple of the workers at our house. If the goal of sustain Haiti is to help educate those living here so that they can educate themselves what better way to help than to teach those around us?! Plus. Nerlande and Stanley are both so very smart. They could really contribute to their community. Stanley is one of our drivers (he picked me up from the airport, is in the bishopric here, his wife cooks for us and is just starting to learn English) and Nerlande is wayyy good at English! During our lesson with them we talked about the different jobs of arteries, veins and capillaries. We were able to go quite in depth with them. I feel like I'm learning just as much as them.
After our lesson we headed to an orphanage. We walked to where the "tap tap" (A truck with two benches, one on either side of the bed with a tin roof which you "tap" when you want to get off. They hold about 15 people crammed in there.) picked us up. The "tap tap" had been parked for a couple min when we got on so it was insanely sweaty. We only sat there without driving for about 2min but those two min felt like I was in a sauna. While on the taptap a woman told Matt in creole that she, "wanted to bathe with him in her bikini in the ocean.." Matt didn't understand what she said so he responded with "wi wi (yes yes)" and "anfum (awesome)". Nerlande started cracking up at his response and once we got off the taptap she explained what had been said. Quite funny. We walked about 20min to get to the orphanage.
Right when we walked up many of the young kids were not wearing any pants and none had diapers. We each got sent to a class to teach. I had no idea what to teach. My class was about 25 kids and they were all about 8years old. Nerlande came with me and translated and helped come up with what to teach. We ended up going over the alphabet, learning "head, shoulders, knees and toes", learning the names of animals and having  a mini health lesson. I was probably teaching for about an hour and a half. If anyone has teaching ideas/activities for young kids - help me out! It was really fun, but I still want so badly to be able to communicate with them. Nerlande was the best translator! And she recommended that we teach them head shoulders knees and toes! The kids were all excited to learn anything in English. I wish there was a way to help them remember things. We'd go over things a million times but it was still hard, I know that's how it always is when learning new things. But my lack of communication probably gets in the way as well.
After class was over I went and hung out with the young kids. One of the girls looked like she was about two (from her face and hair) but her body was the size of an 8month old and she couldn't stand. At first I thought she should be walking and running around but it was like holding a young baby. The kids were so wanting of love and affection. I let a few if them drink out of my water bottle. The one baby girl downed it. She was sooo thirsty. 
We took the taptap back to out house and had lunch. It was about 3 in the afternoon. We then prepared a lesson to go teach at 4.  We prepared to teach about hypertension and cholera. 
We took the motos for about 25min to get the cement building that we taught in. The lady we had contact with in that area was a voodoo priest, pretty interesting.
Yet again the turnout for out class was larger and more interested than I would have expected. The age ranged from 2-70. 
We ended up teaching a real quick lesson on English. And then taught about the digestive system and the immune system. You can tell when they begin to understand because they have so many questions when things start to click. The 70 year old man had a couple very interesting questions. The first one was if we don't get enough nutrients does our body start to run out of blood? I had never even thought about that. How lucky am I to have been raised somewhere where education was provided to me?? His other question was  why alcohol affected people. He was 70 and didn't understand alcohol. How crazy is that? We grow up thinking things are common sense but it's because of the opportunities provided to us. Being here is quite humbling. 
We rode the moto's home. Nerlande took the time to go over some creole with me. She's the best. And quite patient cause I'm sure my attempts at pronunciations are quite comical. 
We had dinner which consisted of rice with pinto beans, a vegetable beef goulash, carrots, beers and potatoes. Yet again it all tasted incredible! 
The power just went out so I'm on the roof watching the stars. It's pretty amazing here. 
The orphanage class we taught today. 

Riding on the Moto

Matt teaching in the cement building. 


  1. Teach them through songs. That is always how I learned things in Japanese. 1-2 buckle my shoe. abcs. All those songs you sing in primary and nursery. And nursery rhymes. The songs would stick in my head and then it was easy to learn. Make up songs with the information in them and the kids will remember.

  2. Hey Cuz! I loved reading your post. I have a friend in my city who teaches elementary and also teaches the low level classes with our volunteering for North Korean Defectors. If you want some teaching tips/ideas, I can put you two in contact! just email me! :) kuchulu68510@yahoo.com Much love!

  3. Wow - great experiences. Did you teach them that you shouldn't share water bottles because you get GERMS? haha I agree about teaching them through songs as it's the best way to remember (that's how we all learned abc's, etc.). So proud of you for giving so selflessly!
